The LinkedIn Ninja Vs Mental Toughness with a splash of Dazzle
The PowerUp Show with a wonderful range of guests as always
The PowerUp Show with a wonderful range of guests as always
The PowerUp Show speaks to Ian Fogg from Opensignal, Vanessa Meikle from HPG, Jason Ludwig from Passion Ate the Chef and Lia Zalums from Zedaxis Leadership Consulting.
Today we spoke to Kaley Chu author of the book 100 Lunches with Strangers. Kaley decided to use LinkedIn as a platform to enhance her… Read More »100 Lunches on LinkedIn and the Crazy Specials Aisle in Aldi
On the PowerUp Show tonight 4th of July, we are joined by Lara Bury from Chicks on the Go, talking about why Australians are turning… Read More »The PowerUp Show is Supercharged but how do you Deal with Bad Google Reviews?
Marketing is a wild beast to tame and when you start a business and are looking to advertise, it is easy to get sucked into… Read More »Pipeline Empty? Business going under? Invest in your community and your community will invest in you!
Understanding how a Google search works will help you when you launch your website.
3 simple hints to make sure you get noticed.
Cold calling is a learned skill. Once you have picked up the phone the first time you will see that it is easier than you think.
If retail stores think the only reason they are seeing a decline in sales is because of online competition, they may as well close their doors tomorrow.
Is your marketing strategy creating brand ambassadors in your consumers or are you spending a fortune on a strategy with no results?